Kitty Power



What a difference some sleep makes! I feel like a whole new person. My death cough has lessened considerably, I’ve stopped aching, and I’m feeling all fresh faced again. The wonderful side effect of running a breakneck insane schedule is losing a little weight because I was too busy/poor to eat. I’m fitting into shit that’s been off limits for like a year and shit. Dope!
Of course staying in on Friday wasn’t that bad. I really haven’t seen much of the inside of the house for a while. And the cat was so happy to see me. I give the best rubs. She knows it. I spent the most of the weekend pottering around the house, being all domestic and doing laundry, answering emails and other computer stuff that’s been neglected, and writing because my new article is on the late side (oops!).
On the computer front, I’m back! Volunteering has wrapped up and after Monday’s “thanks for volunteering, now get drunk and eat on us” party (actually that day is gonna be pretty awesome. We’re getting a catered lunch at the job too. This is truly a “it’s good to be Candice” week.), I’m free…until Summerstage starts if they take me. I again recommend volunteering to everyone out there. Free shit like a mofo! I’ve got a collection of stuff which I’ll be rocking to the extreme all summer. I’ve really missed posting and I’ve finally realized the optimum times for doing that being that I’m just a dork and all. So, I’ll be averaging (hopefully) a post a day (or perhaps a few megas a week because I truly do hate it when the links are longer than the content) again soon enough. Sit tight.


  1. no way Summerstage doesn’t take you. and if they somehow don’t let me know, I will fix that. Is there a particular position you want?

  2. I’m sure they will. I’m already getting prelim volunteer emails. I don’t really have any particular position in mind. To be sappy, I just like doing whatever for the sake of helping out.
    But it’s nice to know where to go to get some strings pulled. Thank you, Godfather! ;)

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